Predeparture Blogature

>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hey friends!

This is a test entry to see how everything comes out.

Operation: PC begins February 23nd with "staging" in Philly! The official departure from America is February 24th! So, if you haven't done so already, fb me your mailing address so I can send you postcards, small african children [or anything else you can imagine] while I'm away.

I'll be updating this blog as often as I can, so check back for any potential rantings, humorous stories, or other remarkable prose.

Support, letters, and any form of Americanized contact will be welcome, I'm sure, so don't hesitate!

viva la Rwanda <3 .

**The first time I wrote this, I forgot to actually mention what I'll be doing in Rwanda for the next 27 months! My job title is "HIV/AIDS and Health; organizational development and capacity building" which means I may be doing almost anything in the health field, from fascilitating health programs to building up the capacity of local health centers.

see you all when the sun comes up


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