>> Saturday, February 06, 2010
Hey friends! So my departure is in 16 days.... WOOOOOH! This is pretty much a test blog to see if the photo setting is up to par and to give some last minute info.
On the 23rd at 7am I will be flying to Philly to meet with my fellow health volunteers for staging. After registration in Philly, we'll be traveling to JFK on the 24th to fly out to Kigali, Rwanda!
The first week will be filled with lots of fun things like vaccinations, orientation, and general culture shock; I can't wait! It's hard to believe it's finally here.. I feel as though I've been waiting my whole life for this to begin. There are a lot of personal sacrifices that come with signing up for this gig; one of the most obvious being leaving my family and friends. Thank you to those of you who openly showed your support! And I'll be damned if I don't make it worth my while :). I can't wait to start!!
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